Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This I Believe

This I Believe

This I Believe: we are alive to Love.
To Love all creation, all beings, all habitats.
To Love not with only with our heads and minds, but with our hands and words.
With our shadows and money.
I believe Nature roots for good.
That we are Nature.
I believe singing makes the day better.
I believe we each hold the power to change and influence.
That I am the most powerful person on Earth. And so are you.
That I am also just a manifestation of nature’s compassion in the world – like a tree. Among the forest.
I believe our greatest calling is to inspire.
I believe dancing is celebration, and all celebration can be worship to the Beloved.
That every smile is sunshine to a fledgling soul.
That every ripple of kindness makes its way around the world.
I believe in chocolate.
It reminds us we are all children.
I believe that peace is strength.
Respect is strength.
Forgiveness is freedom.
I believe that evil exists, but that nothing is as powerful as Love.
That we grow brighter and sweeter even in rain, ashes, and manure.
That inner peace is a choice.
I believe in Brussels sprouts. And spinach.
And kale and cauliflower and spelt and eggplant.
Because it’s made with sunshine and water.
And who doesn’t love sunshine?
Who doesn’t want to be sunshine?
I believe in the sacred.
That life is mystical. And magical. And beautiful.
And that everything worth doing requires an initial leap of faith.
That every day is an adventure.
That every breath begins with the universal sound for Love.
I believe in turn signals. They were invented for a reason.
I believe we should treat ourselves well, and others even better.
I believe to choose kindness.
In every choice.
I believe it’s up to us. Each of us.
I believe in peace by pieces.
Life is a verb.
Love is a lifestyle.
Peace is everywhere.
I believe we should listen more.
I believe there are 8 billion names for God.
And another trillion upon trillion more.
And that all numbers add up to One.
This I believe: we are all here to Love.

(Originally published in the Healthy & Humane Observer, 2013)

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